Deacon Ministry

The Office of Deacon

  1. Selection: I Timothy 3:8-13
    Men should be sought out of the congregation who have the right qualifications.
    • Spiritual requirements
      • "Full of the Holy Spirit"

      • "Full of Wisdom"

      • "Full of Faith"
    • Moral qualifications
      • A man who counts (is dependable)

      • Right in regard to speech

      • Right in regard to strong drink (does not drink alcohol)

      • Right in regard to managing money and giving a tithe (10%) to God's church.
    • Doctrinal qualifications
      • Know and understand the doctrines of the Bible

      • Know and understand distinctive teachings of Southern Baptists
    • Personal qualifications
      • Husband of one wife, if married

      • Rule well his own household and children

      • Head of his own family - exemplary home

      • Trusted and serves his church well


How Deacons are Chosen: Acts 6:3-6
Scriptural precedent along with established tradition indicates the following steps in the choice of deacons.

    • Earnest prayer for guidance.

    • Clear expectation of basic requirements and duties

    • Determination of the number needed

    • Nomination by a competent committee

    • Ballots cast by numbers to determine their choice

    • Election declared on the basis of returns

    • Ordination of newly elected deacons
    The deacon ordination service, generally conducted by the local church with special invited guests, should be at a time when the church membership can be present.

The Ordination Service
The ordination service should be carefully planned and should be a memorable experience, especially in the lives of those ordained. The order of service may be as follows:

    1. Reading of minutes - showing the action of the church in election of the deacons.
    2. Opening Prayer/Invocation - of thanksgiving and for guidance and wisdom.
    3. Scripture Reading: Acts 6:1-7; I Timothy 3:1-13
    4. Inquiry/Testimony - (led by the pastor or appointed minister) - The deacons being ordained tell of their conversion, activities in the church, concept of the office of deacon, relationship to the pastor, deacons spiritual responsibilities, deacons example, practical duties and doctrinal convictions.
    5. Charge to the Deacons - Brief message to those being ordained.
    6. Charge to the church - Brief message to the church outlining responsibilities of prayer, congregation and promotion of the well being of the church to maintain a healthy church.
    7. Laying on of Hands - Ordained men placing their hands on heads of those being ordained and praying for and encouraging them.
    8. Ordaining Prayer - For guidance, divine approval, protection and blessings on those being ordained.
    9. Presentations - Ordination Certificate, Bible and/or books to the ordination candidate.
    10. Hand of Fellowship - By the entire church. A time for the congregation to express their prayers and appreciation to the candidate.